Sunday, December 22, 2013

Double Musical Performance Night

Both Ellie’s musical program and Eve’s concert were on Friday the 13th of December. Oma, Opa, Nate, and I went to Ellie’s program first and then rushed over to see Eve in the Hallelujah Chorus.

Ellie all ready for her performance.


Unfortunately, it was hard to see her from where we were sitting but luckily Opa got good video from the side. She is hiding in the bottom amidst the see of adult heads.


Eve’s class practicing their bell part of the Christmas concert.


Eve is all ready for her performance. She was so excited to be on stage!


Eve’s preschool class bell performance. Daddy got to see her performance and we got to see video later.


We made it in time to see the last third of the concert. They do the Hallelujah Chorus as a whole school at the end. The director is amazing and he is able to get preschoolers to sing the Hallelujah Chorus.


Eve was sad after her performance that she didn’t get flowers so Daddy stopped and got his girls flowers.
