Sunday, September 07, 2008

Wildlife Adventures

While we were at Pine Grove, we had some special visitors. They were black and white and have bushy tails, can you guess what they were? If you guessed skunks, you win a prize! We were cooking our hot dogs over the fire when we saw two skunks come out of the culvert by our camp site. They did a little dance and one back in the culvert and the other wandered off. It was dark and so it was hard to see where the other skunk had gone. A little while later, the skunk appeared behind Nate and then came up and smelled his leg and wanted to see what he was eating. Nate thought it was his friend but we told him not to move. He sat so still and stiff that when Mike picked him up we had to tell him to bend. We told Ellie to stay still but she wasn't near as calm as Nate. She started to whimper. We eventually got both of them away from the skunk. The skunk then visited Opa's and Mike's shoes. Eventually the skunk wandered off. However, it made a return visit about a half hour later but we were able to shoo it away.

On Saturday, we were swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool and Mandy was bit by a large black beetle that could swim. It also climbed on Nate. At first, we thought it was a leaf but it seemed to swim towards the nice warm bodies in the pool. Nate jumped out of the pool as fast as he could and then Grandma came to the rescue!