Saturday, June 17, 2006

Jam Session!

Nate and I are having a little guitar jam session. Ellie is our audience! You can't really see Nate in this picture but he is there behind the guitar. Nate loves to play also so he has his own guitar though it might be a little big for him.

Cecilia and Ellie!

We went over to our good friends Brent and Maria's house to see their new baby girl Cecilia. This is a picture of the two girls hanging out. Ellie was fascinated by Cecilia.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The boys!

Trying to take a picture of yourselves is tuff!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Swimming tires me out!!

We went swimming tonight and it tired our little girl out! We put her in her play yard to get Nate dressed and she fell asleep. She was still very wet when we laid her down but she didn't care. Aint she cute!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Puppy Loves Wal-Mart

Nate decided to take his stickers from Wal-Mart and place them over Puppy's eyes. This was all his own doing and quite creative I thought. What a great kid!

The kids and their Oma and Opa

We went camping this last weekend up on Mingus mountain at the Potato Patch campground. This is a picture of Nate and Ellie hanging out with their Oma and Opa at the camp. The kids had a great time and so did Oma and Opa. We also had our good friends Andy, Rebekah and Avery Keizer camping with us.