Setting up camp. Many hands pitch in to help.
Starting the hunt for horny toads. Who needs toys when you have horny toads?
Ranger rides are very popular. The kids would get on and start yelling for someone to drive them.
Hiking to the point and looking for horny toads.
Snack time!
We found this big tree on the way to the fort/boulders.
Columbines growing out of the rock. These flowers are often seen in Colorado.
Playing on the boulders.
This is what a fern looks like before it opens to fronds.
Walking on the fallen log over the water hole.
Horny toad relaxing in a bathtub.
Playing Legos (with horny toads) and cards.
I took the kids for a Ranger ride and we found a little road that took us to the edge of the canyon. The kids wanted to keep going but it was almost dinner time.
Hammock time is popular. Eve found Ellie’s earring under the hammock that Ellie lost 2 years ago.