Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We’re Going to Disneyland


Eve got to rip off the last ring of our paper chain. That means we were headed out for Disneyland. We started out on the Monday of Spring Break with Oma and Opa.

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We had the van packed full of people and stuff.

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Pictures taken while we ride in the car.

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We got to our hotel at about 4 so we had time to play in the pool. The pool was supposed to be heated but it was pretty cold. The hot tub was like bath water. The kids had fun jumping in the pool after being in the hot tub.

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Tickle fest and pillow attack.

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Hanging out in the kids’ room. They were very happy to find a TV in their room. The room worked out perfectly for us because it had two rooms and two bathrooms and we had enough beds for everyone. We also had a deluxe continental breakfast each day.


We walked just south of our hotel and had dinner at Denny’s.


After the kids were in bed, Paul and I took a walk and decided to try out the transportation from the Disney parking lot. We walked around Downtown Disney and then took the bus back. We were all ready to head to Disneyland the next morning and knew how the transportation worked.