Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rainy Day

We got a lot of rain on September 8. So much rain that Eve’s school was cancelled. Nate and Ellie still had school but neither of their teachers were able to make it to school. Eve loved playing in the rain.


The rain let up enough so that Paul’s flight could land. We had to wait a while for him since they were delayed landing. Also the Sky Train wasn’t running because of the rain. We finally were able to pick him up.

The sunset that night.


We decided to walk over to the Indian Bend Wash to see how much water was still in it. The moon was rising which looked really cool.


Our river. The kids enjoyed throwing rocks and sticks in.


This is usually where we ride our bikes across the wash when it is dry.


In the distance is the bridge over Camelback Road. The wash overflowed this bridge earlier in the day and also flooded Chaparral Road. The only roads open were from Indian School and south of that.
