We still don’t know what was so hilarious in the bathtub. This is how we found the girls after brushing their teeth and they were giggling profusely.
Eve needs a shirt that reads “Little Miss Mischief.” We heard the girls laughing and it was going on for quite a long time. They were a bit wound up that night. I (Mandy) went to find out what was going on. I looked in at Ellie and she was sitting up and she says to me “Eve is out of bed.” I look over and see that indeed Eve is out of bed and dancing on the top of her dresser. She had climbed up onto the dresser and pushed all the clothes off onto the floor. She was having a grand time and was more than willing to smile for pictures. We couldn’t help but laugh! She then climbed herself back into bed and was told that was a “no, no” and she confirmed it was a “no, no.” She hasn’t done it again.
Eve loves chocolate. First a chocolate frosted donut and then chocolate milk.
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