Wednesday, July 09, 2008

July 8

The report from bug school is that they got to feed grasshoppers to the chickens, ducks, and pigs (?). Nate made a ladybug name tag that they colored on Monday and then shrank it. They made bead necklaces for the name tag to hang on. They took a hike to the garden where Nate said he wasn't very good because he stepped on some plants but that he didn't know the rules. He learned the song and actions for "Itsy-Bitsy Spider."

In the afternoon Nate had a tea party with Kool-Aid and Ritz bits with Oma and Opa and they played Mouse Trap. After supper they took a walk.

Ellie had a playdate with Kaley. We went swimming, out to eat, and to the mall. She was one tired girl.